"General Orders and Code of Conduct"
The 466th Virtual Squadron is a Relaxed Organization and the
only thing that we ask, is Respect for your fellow Pilots and the
Desire to Fly Falcon BMS 4.34 to it's Limit..
- 1.Pilots of the 466thvfs should have Respect for thier Senior Officers.
2.Pilots of the 466thvfs shall show Respect for Fellow Pilots + Members of the VFS community
3.Pilots of the 466thvfs shall not display Arrogant Behavior or use Profanity On-Line.
4.Pilots of the 466thvfs shall remain Humble in the Sight of Victory.
Members of the 466th DIAMONDBACKS will be allowed to fly with other
Squadrons.. " including the 56th FW " and the " 310th VFS "
Pilots of the 466thvfs will NOT be required to fly a minimum amount of Flights..!
to remain active ......but it goes without saying Practise makes Perfect...
- 1.All Pilots are Required to install TeamSpeak3. ASAP
2. All Pilots are Required to check the Calendar Board and Message Forum.
3. All pilots will start off on a 30 day Probation Period.
4. All Pilots will be Required to have TeamSpeak3 for Squadron Flights.
5. All Training and Flight Scedules will be Posted on the Ready Room until a Calender Board is setup.
6. Flights and Training will Generally be Sceduled between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time.
7. Good Luck...and Thanks for the Interest...!
Pilots of the 466thvfs DIAMONDBACKS have the option to wear the CALLSIGNS i.e.
of the 466thvfs Diamondback's....an example would be >>>>GOOSE_466thvfs.
Pilots of the 466thvfs DIAMONDBACKS may refer to and or Link the 466th
Homepage to thier Personal Website.
- 1.The Homepage Address for the 466thvfs DIAMONDBACKS is www.466thvfsdiamondbacks.net
2. You may not Declare you're Homepage to be the Home of the 466thvfs DIAMONDBACKS.
3. You may not Title You're Homepage the 466thvfs DIAMONDBACKS.
4. You're Homepage may not copy Data or Official Squadron Information of the 466thvfs
- DIAMONDBACKS without Express Permission.!
Thank You !....Zipper_466th VFS
- ..................................July 08, 2020